Watch the Summer Release Replay

Best in class websites

Stand out from the competition with a state-of-the art website.

Rank at the top of Google. Our sites rank in the 95th percentile.

Lightning fast. Our average website loads in 0.7 seconds.

Mobile optimized. Over 70% of customers visit websites on a phone.

Real-time online scheduling

70% of consumers expect to book an appointment online. Earn their business with Shopgenie.

Simplify booking. Customize your service, hours, and waiter/drop-off settings.

Integrate your SMS. No more double bookings or overbooking.

Get new sales after-hours. Allow customers to schedule while you’re away from the shop.

Automated review generation

Generate reviews. When an RO closes, Shopgenie will automatically request a review.

Respond to reviews. Respond manually or use Jasmine AI to write professional responses.

Showcase reviews. New reviews will automatically show up on your website.

Set-it and forget-it campaigns

Create reminders. Reduce no-shows and late customers.

Increase loyalty. Dial up returning customer visits in just a few clicks.

Promotional blasts. Send out blast messages via email or text.

Your conversations in one place

Multi-channel. Respond via email, text, or Google, with more coming soon.

Customer info. Access critical info during conversations.

Jasmine AI. Easily generate responses to customer messages.